Frequently Asked Questions

  • TVM has an effect on any nervous system. Even on people who are often in their heads, have difficulty letting go of control, or have less connection with their body. With each session, the therapist manually stimulates the flow of therapeutic levels of oxytocin so that your body can feel safe. The fascia and organs begin to discharge as soon as your nervous system feels sufficiently safe. There might not be outward/visible signs of these releases, but it is happening and the results will be felt. To be clear: even if your body does not (yet) show visible discharge, your nervous system is indeed traveling through fight or flight and freeze to complete unresolved trauma cycles.

  • Each nervous system is different, just like each trauma is different. For some, great change can come from the first session, and for some more sessions are needed for the body to feel safe to process very old and deep trauma. Trauma has often frozen in our bodies for years, with fascia hardening to protect us from pain. It sometimes takes some patience to give your body time to let go of those protection mechanisms. Before we can let go of pain, we must first thaw it and then feel it. For that reason, it is recommended to receive at least 6 sessions.

    Those who receive TVM sessions may feel more emotional or sensitive to old pain. This is not always pleasant, but it is a good sign that your nervous system is transforming. So a good motivation not to stop when it feels (temporarily) less comfortable.

  • During and also after the sessions you may have emotional and physical symptoms. Be gentle with yourself in the 24 to 48 hours after the session. Now is not the time for big impulsive decisions or feedback to people. Triggers may be extra sensitive during this time.

    Because your nervous system consumes a lot of energy during a session, it is recommended to drink plenty of water with electrolytes, eat a healthy meal with a lot of healthy fats and do sunrise or sunset sungazing (or look for as much sunlight as possible).

    Neurological reprogramming is also in progress even after the sessions. Try to reduce the stimuli (blue screen time, social media, news) for your nervous system and be careful with the input and output of your environment. Binaural beats for delta wave state are great for this process.

    Journaling, meditation, solo time, rest, voice notes to yourself are good ways to integrate and promote your awareness about your healing process.

  • During a TVM session, you keep your clothes on. You wear something comfortable. Preferably no jeans, dress or jumpsuit. Please wear several layers because your body can get colder or warmer.